Vitamin D Rapid Test

Vitamin D Rapid Test

Vitamin D is transported to the liver where it is metabolized to 25-hydroxy Vitamin D. In medicine, a 25-hydroxy Vitamin D blood test is used to determine Vitamin D concentration in the body. The blood concentration of 25-hydroxy Vitamin D (including D2 and D3) is considered the best indicator of Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is now recognized as a global epidemic.Virtually every cell in our body has Receptors for Vitamin D, meaning that they all require “Sufficient” Level of Vitamin D for adequate functioning. The health risks associated with Vitamin D deficiency are far more severe than previously thought. Vitamin deficiency has been linked to various serious diseases.

Therefore, now detecting (25-OH) Vitamin D level is considered as “Medically Necessary Screening Test”, and maintaining sufficient levels not just to improve bone health, but to improve overall health and well-being.

Ordering Information

Product Description: Vitamin D Rapid Test
Test Specimen: Whole Blood
Test Format: Cassette
Test Pack: 10T

*Please refer to the “T&D Product Catalogue” for detailed ordering information,thanks.
